
From 2013-2022, I wrote curricula and taught in the English and Literature Department at Kolbe Academy Online, a Catholic, classical school for homeschoolers, where my classes and seminars in ancient Greek and Roman literature, Composition and Rhetoric, and Creative Writing were extremely popular. (If you'd like to read a few of the things my students said about my classes, you can click here.)
I will always be grateful for my time at Kolbe!

Before that, I taught at Saint John Bosco Academy, a hybrid school in Atlanta (I wrote about that here) and I also worked as a writing instructor for a local homeschool co-op in Atlanta, and as an online writing coach, teaching mostly Catholic homeschoolers online.

In 2022, I decided to start up my own business teaching online. Here is a link to the Sales Page for The Iliad study and the homepage for my new company, Teach to the Text, if you want to read more about it or sign up for the newsletter.

Teach to the Text logo

I look forward to updating this page soon with more information and with a link to the official website, which is still in the works.

In the meantime, if you’d like to get a feel for my style of teaching, you can check out Episode 45 of the CAM podcast on YouTube, where I shared one of my favorite lessons from Sophocles’ play Oedipus Rex.